It was a great way to kick off 5 Card Cash Bonus Days, which runs throughout the month of June! With 5 Card Cash Bonus Days, whenever you purchase a 5 Card Cash ticket, you have a 1 in 10 chance of getting a $2 BONUS 5 Card Cash ticket for that same drawing at no additional cost!Īs another way to help kick off 5 Card Cash Bonus Days, the Wisconsin Lottery Special Events team is at radio remotes this week and next, talking about the game and the special offer, and getting people in the 5 Card Cash spirit with games and prizes! Today's remotes are at:
We had our first ever top prize winner in last night's night's 5 Card Cash drawing! One lucky winner matched all five drawn cards to win the $250,000 jackpot! The winning ticket was sold at:ġ0616 Hwy K - Franksville (Racine County)
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